Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cold in New York

Woke up with the temperature at 21F, wind gusts to 40mph and wind chills down to 4F. It is really cold for me. I could never stand the cole which is why I left to California so long ago. But I'm stuck in New York City, Forest Hills to be exact, and have to bear this until my furtunes change.
Really looking into perhaps flying to some place warm but with little money as I don't have any right now. Perhaps to Tampa Bay or something. Maybe for the Pro-Bowl.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Raining weather in NYC

The rain came down to the streets of NYC this Saturday and on Sunday morning no signs of the snow that piled up just the weekend before can be seen.
This makes my constitution feel much better as sight of that white stuff makes me sad. Should be warm today and lots of sun. That is going to go a long way to getting me a bit cheery, at least until the next blast of cold air.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Shoveling First Snow of the Season

I moved back to New York City on Tuesday and winter welcome me back on the Saturday day by dumping a close to record snow fall on my home town. Of course I had to shovel off the snow from infront of my mother's house.

There was about 11 inches of snow that fell on NYC(as recorded in Central Park) and the wind blew more snow onto it. On Sunday morning(20 Dec), I got a snow shovel and began to clear out my mother's drive way. What was nice is that the neighbor shoveled the snow along the path of my mom's house. He does this regularly as a favor to my mother.

The shoveling was not bad as the snow was lose. When shoveling snow, I recommend doing it right after the storm stop before the cold air freezes the fallen stuff into ice. Also helped clear the neighboor's drive way.

Well it really wasn't bad shoveling snow, did remember how it was and am still in good shape. I hope I don't get lots practise though.

In Sacremento for Interview

Well the day I left for New York City, I had a phone interview with some managers at Aerojet General, a rocket design company in Sacramento, CA. This interview went well and they asked that I visit them for a face-to-face meeting. Of course, I had to tell them that was going to be in New York City for the duration. They were accompdating and arrange for a trip during the first part of 21 Dec 09 week.
Currently in Sacramento awaiting my interview. Just kind of ironic that I was getting ready to move my job search operations back home to New York City and I get a call the day before I leave to come back. Well that is just fate.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Home in New York City for awhile

Well finally made it home to New York City where I am staying with my brother for while until I can figure out what my next 'gig' is going to be.
Was greeted with warm weather when I flew in but the next day the temperature dipped to the upper 20's as a high. Now there is a chance of snow this weekend in the area. Man, you have no idea how much I hate the cold weather, and now I am back in it.
But I am home and it is great seeing all the family. Really miss them. Will see where I end up, I'm sure it will be worth the uncertainity right now.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Out of my house for trip home

Well, I finally put into storage all my belongings and ready for my flight home tomorrow. Decided to stay at a hotel down the street so I can have a comfortable night before I leave in the morning. I am feeling rather sad as I didn't expect to leave the Bay Area under these circumstances. I know it is best but I spent 12 years here. Of course, I might just return depending on what happens in my job search.

Over the weekend I said my good-byes to all the bartenders/servers I have met over the years. I'll be back for visit but it might be until a least two-three months.

Well, know it is just waiting for my flight and taking care of a few last minute details. Tomorrow night I will be back home with my loving family, who I miss so much and on to my destiny.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Christmas Card

Image from my trip to New Zealand this past Mar.

Pictures taken near Queenstown on an inlet near Milford Sound. Just spectacular.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Met up with friends at Maggiano's

On Sunday Dec 6, I met up with a couple of friends from out of town. Deb flew in from Texas and Val came in from Livermore. We met at that fabulous Italian restaurant Maggiano's in Santana Row for a big meal. We caught up with what has happen to us in the little while we haven't seen each other.This was also the last time I will see them before I move back to New York City(Forest Hills Area) to stay with my family while I look for my next opportunity.

Deb is a University of Texas Longhorn fan and was wearing her Texan sweatshirt. The Manager at Maggiano's saw her and said that he was also from University of Texas. There was much happy celebration between both of them know this fact. Found out he also grew up in Queens, New York, where I'm from originally. The manager did provide us with some dessert which we definitly enjoyed.

Well it was great seeing Val and Deb in such a fun filled event. We wished each other good luck in the future and a happy Christmas time.

Val, Deb, Me and dessert at Maggiano's in Santana Row