Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Trip to North Lake Tahoe

On Friday 23 July 2010, my friend Jack and I went traveling to see the north side of nearby Lake Tahoe. We left early on Friday, driving up Highway 80 in the Northeast direction. After about 1-1/2 hour we, reached Donner Memorial State Park, which is located right at Donner Lake where the tragic Donner Party once stayed for the winter of 1846-47. At the park we stopped by the Emigrant Trail Museum to view the artifacts and history of both the Donner Party and pioneer life during that period. We then walked around the very beautiful lake where there were people enjoying the water and campers in the park.

After about 20minutes riding on Highway 80 we arrived at the historic town of Truckee. We stopped by looking at the old town section and had lunch at a local restaurant. What was funny was seeing an old Flying A Service gas station, which had been converted to a clothing shop.
Then we headed south on Highway 267 to Kings Beach at the very northshore of Lake Tahoe. There was a very nice sandy beach with a great view of the lake and mountains to the south.

  Next we traveled south on State Route 89 to Emerald Bay which is on the west side of Lake Tahoe. We stopped by the Emerald Bay State Park at the entrance to the Vikingsholm, which we had see previously. After taking in the view of the view of the Bay, we noticed a falls not to far away. A decided to walk over there and take a look.

  This was Eagle Falls, where the water was running rapidly on a rock cliff side. There were several people and family hanging out at the top of the falls admiring the spectacular view of the Bay. We took some pictures but was kind of concerned about the sheer drop from the cliff but still manage to take some photos from there.

 That marked the end to our trip to the north end of Lake Tahoe. We saw Donner Lake, Donner Pass Museum, the historic town of Truckee, Emerald Bay and Eagles falls. Instead of heading back the way we came, we traveled on U.S. Route 50 back to Folsom ending a very successful trip.

Pictures can be seen in the public location below

Donner Lake viewed from Highway 80

View of Lake Tahoe from Kings Beach

Sunday, July 18, 2010


by Jeremy Redinger
Am I to be happy?
I dwell so deep within myself
that I have never seen the light of day.

The past never happened,
the future will never come,
and the present isn't real.

Depression is a part of everyday life.
The birds chirp for someone else,
The day warms the lives of everyone,
but me.

Happiness lies near,
but my mind won't let my heart reach for it,
and happiness never knew.

I live in a prison,
solitary confinement.
Fear is my guard.

Nothing stops happiness from reaching me,
only me from it.
I am sure that if I can ever grasp it
that the barrier will be forever shattered.

How do you break through invisible bars?
What is it like to touch something you've never had?

I am confined to myself,
Just me and my sadness.

Blue Star Moms Care Package 17 July 10

On early Saturday morning I went to Roseville, about 20 minutes west of Folsom, to help the Blue Star Moms of Sacramento assemble and pack care packages which are to be sent to troops in Iraq. We had to build 600 care packages but there were many volunteers that should up to help out.
The event started at 7am. I found my way around and became the person who assembled the shipping boxes given to us by the US Postal Service. I became the "Box Folder, taking the flat boxes and openning them up and handing them to three other volunteers who taped them up. It took sometime perhaps about 1-1/2 to assemble all the boxes.
The head of the event told all the volunteers how to actually place items into the boxes. On tables set up in a horse arrangement boxes of items from magazines, soup, coffee, toothpaste to chewing gum were set up. A volunteer grab one of the empty boxes we put together then went around the table stuffing as much as possible into the box. At the end of the line, some "inspectors" made sure the boxes were full and were suited to go. The last step someone would put a letter written by a school kid into the top of the box before sealing the box for shipment.
It was a great event with many volunteers, like myself, showing up for the firest time. Hopefully the soldiers recieving the carepackages will have their lives made a little easier with these items from home.

Photos can be seen in the publice link below:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lake Tahoe Trip 09July 2010

On our Friday off from work, my friend/co-worker Jack and I planned a trip to nearby Lake Tahoe to see it for the first time. Plan was to travel on the 2-hour tour on the paddle wheel boat in the Lake to have a good general sight seeing of the large Alpine lake.

We traveled east on U.S Route 50 going up in elevation as we traveled. About 2 hours later we crossed the California-Nevada border and arrived at the shouth shore of Lake Tahoe at Zephyr Cove Resort and Marina just off the highway. Very straight forward with no issues. I had Jack drive my car as I am scared of heights and was afraid the highway strattling the high Sierra mountains would freak me out.

The ticket booth was late to open as the first tour($39) on the paddle wheel boat called M.S. Dixie II was set to sail at 11:30am. There was a tour group from the USMC/Combat Helicopter Association was going on the boat. Very long line but we got on just fine. Jack and I headed up to the top open deck to enjoy the view. The weather was great with warm temperatures and no humitiy. Large clouds were forming over the whole area indicating a storm might be on its way.

The Dixie II left on time and headed west across the lake. A very informative and enteraining tour guide, Troubadour Darin Talbot, informed us of the many incredible features of Lake Tahoe and sung about the Sierras.. He wore a microphone and travled along the top deck of the boat.

The views of the this lake were incredible! The mountains made for a unreal back drop with some of them still having snow at their peaks. The water was the most blue color I have seen in a lake. Was told that the granite filters the water making the water in the lake the purist one can get.

I had great converstation with the members of the association. All were from the Vietnam War era who flew in combat their. I purchase a drink for some of them and thanked them for their service to this nation.

Highlight of the tour was arriving at Emerald Bay on the west/California side of the lake. A very pretty beach was there with waterfall coming down on the mountain side. There was a small island called Fannette in the middle of the bay which had the remains of a small house. A building constructed by the owner of Vikingsholm, Mrs. Lora Josephine Knight. The most imporanat site was the view of the Vikingsholm house just on the shore. A historic building made to resemble an Viking castle.

From there the MS Dixie headed back to Zephyr Cove. The total tour was well worth it and left an incredible impression on the beauty of Lake Tahoe.

Afterwards Jack and I drove back around to the west side of the lake on State Highway 89. Plan was to head to Emerald Bay. We arrived at Inspiration Point just before the bay. The point had an incredible view of Emerald Bay through trees. One can see Eagle Falls from that point including the beach with many people laying in the sun and small boats.

We drove further up the road where we arrived at the trail head to Vikingsholm. We had to walk down a pathway for 1 mile to arrive at the beach and the castle. A fee of $5 dollars was required to have a tour of inside of this building. The castle is actually a house built in 1928-29 for a Scandinavian lady who had it built with Nordic designs. Very nice place with most of the inside made of hand crafted wood and furniture.

To get back to the highway 89 one has to walk back up the 1mile steep trail. I impressed myself as I did it rather easily. Jack on the other had was way behind. At the top of the trail there is a great view of Emerald Bay.

A great way to finish of this first exploration of this faboulous lake was to eat a big burger on the east side. Mine was stacked with onion rings and blue cheese. Yummy.

At the end of the grand victory dinner, we headed back to Folsom having enjoyed a wonderful day. Will definitly come back to Lake Tahoe as it is very close to my house and there is still much to see on that Blue lake.

Pictures can be seen in the publice site below:


View of the Mountians around Lake Tahoe

Inspiration Point Vista


View of Emerald Bay

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th Weekend 2010

On this long weekend to celebrate Independence Day(july 4th), I took in some various venues. I started out with a nice cup of coffee and cinnimon roll at my favorite coffee house, Coffee Republic. Man I love their cinnimon rolls.

Coffee Republic decked out in Old Glory

Afterwards, I worked out then, headed off to see the festival in the near by town of Rancho Cordova where they were holding a "Star Spangled Weekend". The festival was a fair with many rides for the children and food court located behind a public school. It was already hot at about 95F. There were many family and people were setting up for the nights fireworks show.

One interesting thing I did was try a "Fried Twinkee' which is a deep fried Hostess sponge cake. The guy at the food stand said I should try it with strawberry and whip creame. Why not load on the calories. It was great!!

Fried Twinkie

I was tired from the sun and instead of going out to the traditional fireworks, decided to make it an early night.
Had a great Independence Day. Happy Birthday America.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Folsom Pro Rodeo 02 July 2010

On Thursday 02 July, I meant up with a new friend to go to the 50th Folsom Pro Rodeo in Folsom, California. We meant up a very nice wine bar I found the day before during the cattle drive called The Cellar on Sutter Street. We had some nice wines and walked to the Rodeo Arena about 15 mintues to get there.

The stadium was starting to get filled when we got there. Our pre-payed seats were located high on a wooden bench and unfortunently were at the very end of seats and no way to get out. But it was a good view of the dirt covered areana.

The show started with the entrance of the Painted Ladies Drill team, called because these young women ride on Painted Horses. The women wore pink and came out with American flags and performed around the arena. During this time a Pro Rodeo Queen was crowned.

The rodeo events with Tie-Down Roping of a calf ,Team Roping of a steer, Steer Wrestling, Bull Riding and Team Bronc Riding. Very exciting events but at this less then high level of competion there were more misses then successes. They were still fun to watch.

A funny time the Bull after a bull riding event could not be corralled into the exit gate. The two wranglers trying to laso the bull kept failing. It about 5 minutes before the bull found his way out of the arena.

A crowd pleaser accorded when a man parachuted into the arena with a very large American flag. I was impressed how the parachutes could avoid the high voltage power lines which hang over the stadium.

Another fun event was Mutton Busting, where boys and girls of about 6 to 7 years of age try to hold onto a sheepish steed before being bucked off. The 12 child riders had a good time and and the crowd were much entertained.

After more performance by the Painted Ladies by friend and I decided to leave as we believe we have seen enough.

On our way out of the rodeo, a Reporter from the Folsom Telegraph newspaper asked if would be interviewed on my feelings of the rodeo. This was fun and told her of my fun time at the rodeo.

Well know I can say I have seen a rodeo event and found out more about what goes on at this historic event. Will probably find more rodeo events to go to as everyone is having a good time and I'm always looking for a good time.

Pictures of the Folsom Rodeo can be seen at the public link below: