Monday, October 31, 2011

Appeteaser USA, Pub-Crawl, Saturday 29 Oct 11

Went on the Appeteasers USA( "pub crawl" on Saturday 29 Oct on Sutter Street of Folsom or just "Old Folsom". Went to several different bars, restuarants, art gallery and local historic cementary for this Halloween roving party event.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Silver Lake Hike, 24 Jun 2011

On our Friday off(24 Jun 11), Jack and I went into foothills to hike the Granite and Hidden Lakes loop in Silver Lake. Our original plan did not turn out as aspected. After heading east on Highway 50, we tried to go on the Mormon-Emigrant Road. After getting more then halfway to the 88 Junction we were stopped by mounds of snow across the road. No way my little '99 Honda was going over all that snow. Snow and its almost July.
After taking a long back track we finally got to Silver lake. The area was still covered in thick snow. We were trying to find the Granite-Hidden Lake trail. Again didn't go as planned. We wondered around all the granite boulders feeling very lost in finding the trail. After some observation we notice several hike marker or Cairn and hoped these will point to the trail. Well after following the piles of stone, we found small Granite lake. VICTORY!!!
As it was late in the day, we decided to head back. There were two raging rivers and waterfalls on the path. Very spectacular! Stopping by Kit Carson Lodge just for a look, we head back on Highway 88. A the town of Jackson, we saw the sign to Jackson Ranceria Hotel and Casino( and decided to stop for something to eat. Had a couple of heaping plates of food for an end to a very wonderful and adventures day.

Photos can be seen below

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Folsom 20th Annual Handcar Derby 01May11

30Apr-01May 2011 was the 20th Annual Folsom Handcar Derby ( held at the Broadstone Market Place in Folsom, California. I missed the Saturday events but the Sunday events had the finals including the Handcar Push and the Handcar Race Finals. Wonderful time in a very nice day.

Photos can be seen in the public site below

Rotary Powerhouse Work Party 30Apr11

The Folsom Rotary Club had a "work pary" this Saturday at the Powerhouse Ministry to continue building the children out door area behind the Ministry building. Today was really back breaking as we had to level the ground. If anyone has worked on the ground of Folsom, one knows how loaded with rocks this place is. Tons of small rocks they call "Folsom Potates" are just a pain. But a great day.

Photos can be seen in the public site below;

East Lake Tahoe Trip 29 Apr 11

On our day off my friend Jack and I traveled to see the east part of Lake Tahoe. We drove north on Highway 80 stopping at the town of Truckee before taking highway 267 to highway 28 along the east side of the lake. On the way back to Folsom, we took a long route via Highway 89 to Highway 88 passing the town of Jackson and Plymouth. In Plymouth we need a break from almost 300 miles of driving and sampled some of the fine vineyards in the area. Great trip and now I can say I went all around Lake Tahoe.

(En nuestro dia libre mi amigo Jack y yo viajamos para ver la parte este de el lago Lake Tahoe en estado de Nevada. Manejamos 300 millas es dia y en fin paramos in el pueblo de Plymouth para probar algunos vino en los viƱedos de Plymouth.)
There was a very special guest speaker at the regular weekly Folsom Rotary in Folsom.

Lieutenant Commander Ted Robinson(US Navy Retired), who during World War II, was captain of PT-118 and rescued the future US President John F. Kennedy(JFK) after his famed sinking on PT-109.

He discussed his life as the PT captain and elaborated in detail on the bravery of JFK. He also grew up in Queens, NY which, got me quit excited. Mr. Robinson and his wife were selling his book on this ordeal during WWII and the famed rescue.
Great night with one of the last remaining me of WWII talking on his life during that conflict and gave us insight into JFK's wonderful character.
Photos can be seen  below

Lions Pancake Breakfast, 23 Apr 11.

Lions Pancake Breakfast, 23 Apr 11

On Saturday 23 Apr 2011, members of the Folsom City Host Lions Club made and served breakfast at Lembi Park, Folsom( for the family who were going to take part in the annual Folsom Easter Egg Hunt.

We started setting up at 6am, moving the very heavy grills and all the supplies needed to feed many hundred hungry famlies. We purchased pre-mixed pancake batter and heat-n-serve sauages. I hone my already expert skills in pancaking making during this wonderful event.

We cooked furiously as we sometime had a line that went around the corner but everyone got served. This fund raiser was fun and exhausting. We also attracgted some potential members.

Photos can be seen below

Folsom Rotary Wine and Dine, 17 Apr 11.

On Sunday evening, the Folsom Rotary helded their 18th annual Wine and Dine fund raiser held at the Folsom Community Center. Help set up in the early part of the day. Many local wineries and restuarants and fun people help make this, Folsom Rotary largest fund raiser, a success.

Photos can be seen below:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Members of the Folsom California(#526) organized a "work party" to complete the construction of a shading structure at the backyard of the Powerhouse Ministries( Concrete was poured early in March. Members donated their time, skills and tools to finish this needed community service.

Pictures can be seen in the site below

Serra Fina Winery, 02 Apr 11

Traveled to Sera Fina Cellars, about 20 minutes east of Folsom, to pick up my two bottles of wine as member of the Wine Club. Had a good time, with some nice wine tasting, good food, music and a cigar.

Pictures can be seen in the site below:

Crocker Art Musuem, 01 Apr 2011

On my Friday off work, decided to visit the famed Crocker Art Museum( located near the Old Sacramento area. A very nice collection of both classical and contempary art. The link of both the original museum and the newer wing was done rather well if not seamless.

I was really impressed to see artwork from local High School students. They are very much talented and themes in their production.

Had a good time, will definitly go back as there is too much stuff to see in one visit.
Pictures can be seen below

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sierra Nevada Brewing Company

On our work day off, me and my friend Jack headed to the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company( located about 120miles north of Folsom in the town of Chico (,_California). The two hour trip ended at the Sierra Nevada's Restuarant gift shop where we signed up for a guided tour of the brewery. The place was one big brewing facility with gift shops and restaurant. Jack and I had lunch at the very nice restuarant as soon as it opened at 11 am. Jack couldn't resist but had a sample of all the Brewery's beer. He was rather happy about it and manage to drink all the little shots. Our tour, the first one, started at 1pm. The guide took is through a 75 minute view of the processing facility. She showed us the hugh vast where the barely is cooked and fermented with the very nice copper laid vats. The 31 degree F cold room where the hops are stored. We rubbed the hops in our hands to smell the various variety including a couple of the experimental hops they are trying out. One great thing about Sierra Nevada is how they try to recycle as much as possible and can produce up to 75% of their own electricity while reducing carbon emissions. Fuel cells, solar panels, methane gas recycling is all part of their plans for being green. We also saw the packaging room where remote systems bottle and box all the beer that leaves Sierra Nevada.

This was a great trip where one actually gets on the processing floor to see how beer is actually made. A wonderful thing to see even if you are like me and don't like beer.
Photos can be seen in the link below

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, 05Mar11

This Saturday I volunteered with the Sacramento section of Habitat of Humanity ( by helping build two homes in southern Sacramento. Work started at 7:30am with a large group of students from the Sacramento Accounting Club. There were also members of AmeriCorp volunteering and the owner of the houses were also building. After a few minutes of saftey instruction, we all went to working by mostly nailing up the house frames. We were given hardhats, hammers, safety glass and hammers to work building the two houses. Very good corridination and no one got hurt. We had a lunch break then continue working the house. My arm is in pretty good shape after all the banging, guess I need more practise.

Photos can be seen in the link below:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sake Tasting in Folsom's Gekkeikan Sake Inc.

On this very rainy day, headed to Gekkeihan Sake brewing facility in Folsom( Went on a self guided tour down the long hallway where one can see fast moving bottles getting filled with sake.

Then it was on to the tasting room and sampled some of the varieties of sake Gekkeikan produces. Very good stuff. Of course purchased a bottle of the Black and Gold which is really delicious. Good find in my backyard of Folsom.
Photos can be found in the site below:
On Saturday 19 Feb 11, went to 1st SeraFina Cellars La Famiglia Wine Club Open House held at Serafine Vineyard in Amador Valley. The small family vineyard released a couple of thier new wines to the members and guests. There was lots of good food and of course great wine from Serafina. The brink oven pizza was just wonderful. Had a good time as always.

Photos can be seen below:


Lions Club Student Speech Contest 17 Feb 11

  This regular meeting of the Folsom City Host Lions Club, involved the annual speech contest. This year we only had one student contestant. Some of the member said because the topic was too political, complicated for the students.
  I was one of the time keepers making sure the students' speech was within the allowable time which is more then 5 minutes and less then 10 minutes.
  There were several judges not associated with the Lions club including member of the community.
It was pretty good time and next level of the Speech Contest will be on 3 Mar at the same Lions Club.

Photos can be found in the site below:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Caribbean Cruise Pictures and Video

Well finally got around to organizing my photos/video from my two week cruise in the Caribbean on the NCL cruise ship Epic.

Below are the Shutterfly links to the albums seperated by the first and second week.

First Week; 18 Dec - 24 Dec 2010

Second Week: 25 Dec - 1 Jan 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Photos from Cruise Trip 18-25 Dec

Well finally got around to uploading some of the pictures I took during my two week cruise on the NCL Epic in the Caribbean.

I created a Shutterfly Shared site for people to see the pictures. The photo album is seperated into each day of the first week.

Take a look.
I had a great time.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Returned from my two week cruise

Well I just got back from a great two week cruise on the NCL EPIC in the Caribbean. Wonderful ship with lots of good amenities.
  I'm going to publish the many photos I took in a Shutterfly Album for all to view.
Keep an eye out.

Happy New Year