Sunday, June 26, 2011

Silver Lake Hike, 24 Jun 2011

On our Friday off(24 Jun 11), Jack and I went into foothills to hike the Granite and Hidden Lakes loop in Silver Lake. Our original plan did not turn out as aspected. After heading east on Highway 50, we tried to go on the Mormon-Emigrant Road. After getting more then halfway to the 88 Junction we were stopped by mounds of snow across the road. No way my little '99 Honda was going over all that snow. Snow and its almost July.
After taking a long back track we finally got to Silver lake. The area was still covered in thick snow. We were trying to find the Granite-Hidden Lake trail. Again didn't go as planned. We wondered around all the granite boulders feeling very lost in finding the trail. After some observation we notice several hike marker or Cairn and hoped these will point to the trail. Well after following the piles of stone, we found small Granite lake. VICTORY!!!
As it was late in the day, we decided to head back. There were two raging rivers and waterfalls on the path. Very spectacular! Stopping by Kit Carson Lodge just for a look, we head back on Highway 88. A the town of Jackson, we saw the sign to Jackson Ranceria Hotel and Casino( and decided to stop for something to eat. Had a couple of heaping plates of food for an end to a very wonderful and adventures day.

Photos can be seen below

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