Sunday, February 28, 2010

Double Rainbow in Folsom, CA

On Thursday 18 Feb 2010, it was raining in Folsom, CA where I am living now. It was raining most of the day and when I arrived home from work, the sun was starting to breakthrough the clouds. As I was walking my way to my car from my apartment, I noticed in the eastern sky a rare double rainbow.
The sight of this iris in the sky made me smile.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Completed First Week of New Job

Well this was the completion of my first week of work at Aerojet in Folsom, CA.
I lived. It seems the place and people will be fine for the time I am here.
Getting the feeling that I am about to be overwhelmed with work as the project I am involved with is a bit behind schedule, but that is par for the course.

I realize how much I miss my family back in New York City. That grewing old with out them is bothering me, especially seeing my mother change everytime I visit her. Watching my nephews grow up and change when I return is slamming me with emotions that I can's stand anymore.

But that is the way it is. I plan to give myself two years at this new job then move back east, close to home somewhere perhaps Virignia. I wish to be close to my mother and brother as we all get old together and enjoy our lives. The last 8months being out of work as cast some light on what important things are to me.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Folsom Powerhouse

With my first weekend in Folsom, I decided to explore the small Sacramento area town. I found one place of interest was the famous Folsom Powerhouse .
The 1895 plant, one of the oldest hydroelectric facilities in the world, was the nation's first power system to provide high-voltage alternating current over long-distance transmission lines for may municipal and industrial uses. Located on the west bank of Lake Natoma at the edge of Old Folsom, the plant generate electricity by falling water and transmitted 22 miles to Sacramento to power the city's streetcars, factories, street lights, etc. The Powerhouse operated until 1952, when the new Folsom Dam was created and the old dam which supplied the Powerhouse was destroyed. The Powerhouse is now a museum.
I arrived during the end of a scheduled tour. Most of the times the musuem is open at 12pm until 4pm on Wednesday to Sunday. There is a self guided tour with signs on various areas of the msuem. The Powerhouse area consist of three areas. The Powerhouse Forebay where water flowed from 2miles of canal. Then the large pipes of the Penstocks drop the water 55feet unto the turbines which spin the shafts of the generators. The generators and control systems are located on a very nice and tall brick building.
It was great to see such old equipment and how they were used. Some of the old generators where made at the General Electric Plant in Schenectady, New York, which was funny as I worked in Albany for years with many former machinist at GE. I walked up to Forebay area with the old wooden Spillway Gate still there. Next to the Powerhouse is a one story wooden building which was the Blacksmith shop and factory.
The Docent talked with me after her schedule tour and explained alot of the history of the Powerhouse. She was very nice and knowledgeable of both the Powerhouse and other historic sites in the Sacramento Area.

Some pictures can be seen below

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Arrive in Folsom for new Job

After flying from New York City to San Jose, I drove two hours up to Folsom, California on 16 Feb to start living on my temporary apartments. The temp. housing is very well equipment much to my surprise, the place even has internet access.

The temperature is very warm at 67F with clear skies. I wonder what the weather will be like in June with such high temps in Febuary.

Well, I'm going around trying to figure out where all the major places are located like supermarkets, drug stores, Starbucks, etc. I purchased a Thomas Guide of the Sacramento County area to have a map letting me know where everything is. That adventure should be fun.

Grand Central Station, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Rockefeller Center, Trump Towers

On Thursday 04 Feb 10, took a walk along Madison Avenue starting at Grand Central Station, then Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Rockefeller Center, Trump Towers, Mickey Mantle's Bar and ending up at the Carlyle Hotel for a nice Pisco Sour.

Pictures can be seen below

Visit New York Historical Society

On 02Feb10, went and visited the New York Historical Society which is located directly across the street from the Musuem of Natural History. The musuem had an exhibit "Lincoln and New York","John Brown: The Abolitionist and his Legacy" among the other splendind permanent exhibits.

Of course, I could not take pictures of the main exhibits but was allowed on the top floor at the "Henry Luce III Center"{}.

This was a very great musuem with lots of artifacts about New York City. The Lincoln exhibit really conveyed what the people of New York thought of this President.
Location: 170 Central Park West between 76th & 77th Street

Pictures of my visit can be seen at:

Visited New York Museum of Natural History

Visit to the New York Museum of Natural History on 01Feb10.

American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY, 10024-5192

Photos of my visit can be seen below

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Storm in New York City

On Wednesday 10 Feb 2010, New York City finally got hit with the "Snowmageddon" which has affect so much of the mid-Atlantic states. I stayed indoors and watched through the windows of my mom's house in Forest Hills, Queens as the snow came down. The snow actually looks nice, when viewed from a nice, warm comfortable indoors.
I took a video as the snow came down looking at the house's backyarkd. Large snowflakes came down but there was also some high wind at times.
Me and my mother shoveled some of the snow in the front steps at about noon, but the snow came down so fast, the path was covered again withing two hours. Good thing is the neighboors shoveled later in the day which made the work less tedious for everyone.
Glad it is over. Really hate this white stuff.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Packing for Relocation to Sacramento

Well after packing up my house in San Jose, California, to move to New York City, I am now packing up for relocation to Sacramento, California to start my new job at Aerojet-Gencorp.

I throw away lots of things particulary cloth I will no longer wear. Still don't have an address of my temporary housing to ship but getting everything ready so once I now I can send it away.

The first day at work is slated for Monday 22 Feb and I'm getting excited but also feeling sad as I have spend almost 2 months with my family and just don't want to leave again. But these are the times and got to follow the oppurtunity. Realize how much I love them all in my stay in fridged New York City.

The plan is to fly to San Jose, pick up my car and some belongs, drive to my temp housing in Sacramento a few days early and prepare for my life in the state capital. God willing, this will all turn out good for all.